This is a list of all of our coin-related literature. Please feel free to email us at any time to order!
- 89693 Brunk, Gregory. Merchant Countermarks on World Coins. Standard reference in field. l57 pages, with prices. Softcover. NEW. $32.00. i
- 89694 Clain-Stefanelli, Elvira and Vladimir. The Beauty and Lore of Coins, Currency and Medals. 256 pages. A fabulous work covering all ages and aspects of numismatics. Superb photography (both B&W and color).- Dust cover. NEARLY NEW. $29.00.
- 89695 Craig, William. Germanic Coinages – Charlemagne through WithelmlL Indispensable for any collector of German coins. 242 pages of superb info. VF (paper cover replaces original hardcover). $75.00.
- 89696 Davenport, J. East Baltic Regional Coinage. gS pages. Covers the Livonian Order, Riga, Dorpat, Courland, Reval and Teutonic Order. Very useful. NEW. $17.00.
- 89697 Divo, Jean Paul. Die Taler der Schweiz. 94 pages + 36 plates. VF. $14.50.
- 89698 Frankfurter Mtinzhandlung – E Button. Auction of AIRFLIGHT MEDALS. 580 lots. The only reference so complete. With prices realized. NEW. $35.00.
- 89699 Franquinet, Guy. Litzmannstadt – A Chapter of German Monetary History.87 pages, many illustrated. In German & English.. Lists all coins and notes and tells how to identify counterfeits. NBW. $ 19.50:
- 89700 Frey, A. The Dated European Coinage Prior to I501. Softcover. NEW (originally $50). 939.00.
- 89701 Gayton, Carlos. Paper Currency of Mexico 1822′-lgTL Hardbound edition with dust cover. EF. $24.00.
- 89702 Gumowski, M. Handbook of Polish Numismatics (in German). 226 pages and plates. A well made bound xerox copy. REDUCED $10 TO. $19.50.
- 8g103 Karolkiewicz, Henry. Triton IV Karl Stephens Presents the Extraordinary Collection of Henry L Karolkiewicz. Featuring POLISH COINS from a thousand years. 1000+ lots presenting the most historically complete collection of the 20thCenfitry. NEW with pR. $35.00.
- 89104 Kienast, G. The Medals of Karl Goetz (a supplement) Goetz II. Very scarce. NearNEW. $225.00.
- 89705 Klein & Raff. Die Wuerttembergischen Muenzen von I374-1693. The standard work in this field. 278 pages. Hardbound. NEW. $69.00.
- 89706 Kohl, Christian. Thlerteilstiicke Des Kurfurstentums Sachsen – Albertinische Line 1547-1763. Asuperb book covering Saxon coins under a Taler size.230large-size pages. Hardbound, richly illustrated. Easy to use. NEW. $45.00.
- 89707 Kohl, Christian. Talerteilstiicke Des Kurfurstentums Sachsen – Ernestinische Line 1500-1547. g1pages. very hard to find. NEw. $49.00.
- 89708 Kopicki E. AnIllustratedd Guide to Polish and Related Territories. Vol, I, part I & 2 and Vol. II, part I & 2. Hardbound in 2 catalogs (less than 50 reprinted). In polish. NEw. $125,00.
- 89709 Lang, D.M.l Hoard of Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Russian Silver Coins. 22 pages.Very useful for Wire Coinage. Paperback. NEW. $9.50.
- 89710 Lamb, R. Catalog of German War Tokens. Still somewhat useful. NEW $12.0b.
- 8971 I Lanz, Graz. Medieval Bohemian Coins. 1979 auction of 800+ lots, all photographed. Very important. NEW with PR. S19.50.
- 89712 Moller, H. Auction 4l & 44 Die Medaillen von Karl Goetz – Max Brittcher Collection dnd Medailten Sammlung Furst Otto von Bismarck. Goetz -1747 lots, nearly all with photographs, prices realized. Bismarck – 740 lots. (2 catalogs) NEW. $55.00.
- 89713 Pridmore, F, West Indies (Vol. IID.364 pages. NEW. $35.00.
- 89714 Schnee, G. Saechsische Taler I500-1800. 476 pages. Nearly all photographed, includes multiple Talers also. Hardbound. NEW. $50.00.